sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017


Charter of Compassion
Attn: Marylin Turkovich

Dear Marylin:

I am sorry I did not contact you earlier.  I received a mail from Helen Samuels, but I did not open my mail early enough.

Last week I had a meeting with Jesus Ramirez Funes, he is a sister's brother-in-law.

He has been very active in compassionate movements.  He participated in a 20-day fast back in 1994 in support of the indigenous movements in the south. He has lived in Mexico City for the past 40 years, and is very active with the Teology of the Liberation.

I talked to him about my thoughts of the Catholic church being a possible hindrance to establish compassionate comunities in Mexico City. He says even the Pope Francisco had hindrances with the hierarchy of the church in Mexico.

He said we can always find the path for compassion one way or the other, because it is love what is going to save the world.

He invited me to become a member of his movement, self-sustainable health communities with women. He trains groups of women to learn alternative health treatments with the commitment that participants will reproduce the groups at no cost.

During one part of his life he made a lot of money with his family, all musicians, but he gave considerable donations to the priests and parties helping the indigenous people of the EZLN (Zapatist Army of National Liberation).  (I know this from my sister, but he does not speak about it).

He is also in contact of father Solalinde, who has been involved in helping migrants coming from the south (Central and South America) in their way to the USA.Jesus gave me his phone number, but instead of calling him, I googled his name and made a donation to his organization. (By the way, I have not been able to make a donation to the Charter with the same credit card).

I have not been a really committed activist in compassion.  My curriculum is a very scarce participation with the extinct political party, PST (Socialist Party of Workers).  on the 70's and I was a member of the Mexican Movement of Solidarity to Cuba, especially during the "special period" in the early 90's

As was a catholic as a young girl and studied with nuns, but I have not been religious most of my life.  I am studing the teachings of the White Lodge through the books of Master Omraam Michäel Aïvanhov.

I was appealed by the word "compassion" because when the Dalai Lama came to Mexico in 2004, I took a three day course he imparted, and underwent a rite where I was initiated in compassion.

Now I am studying Karen Armstrong book "Doce pasos para una vida compasiva".

I have worked as a bilingual secretary for about 27 years, and I worked as a free-lance translator for 20 years, and after my last 6-year work as an assistant that ended on August 2016, I am now retired, doing translations from time to time, so I offered myself as a volunteer translator.

My 39 years-old daughter and my 28 years-old son are feminists, especially my daughter, and she does have women's groups and works with health issues and self sustainable economy.

If something comes to my mind that will help give you a better picture of myself, and whether I can be of assistance to the Charter, I'll write again.

I'll have a meeting with Jesus, and my daughter this Sunday the 5th of March to start our self-sustainable women's health group.

I am in facebook as Lucero Andrade, and in linkedin as Maria de la Luz Andrade, legal translator.

Lucero is my nickname, and that's how everybody calls me, although I have a great name, Luz means light.

Love and light to you